Joint research

以前、政府の事業で、その地域の大学の知的財産を有効活用する地域プロジェクトを支援する事業に携わったことがあります。地域プロジェクトのビジネスモデルやコア技術の評価を行ったのですが、コア技術の特許が、企業との共有になっているという問題に直面することが多くありました。共有特許の問題点 日本の大学は、研究費や特許出願費用を企業に負担してもらう代わりに、その特許を共有にすることがよくあります。共有にすることは両者にとって妥協しやすいのですが、後々面倒な問題に発展する可能性があるのです。日本の特許法では、共有特許の各共有者は、[…]

Correction of Patent


Wagyu beef

和牛は、日本の育種家によって長年にわたって改良されてきた日本種の肉牛です。現在、日本では、和牛などの家畜の精子や受精卵などの遺伝資源の保護を強化することが検討されています。 実は和牛の遺伝子資源は、1998年頃までは商業利用のために輸出されていましたが、和牛の市場をコントロールするために、それ以降は輸出が行われていませんでした。ところが2018年、和牛の受精卵や精液が所定の輸出検査を受けずに中国に持ち出された事件が発覚しました。

渡邉聡がIntellectual Property Magazine誌に記事を寄稿
Satoshi Watanabe authored an article titled "Patent changes create friction" for Intellectual Property Magazine

当社代表の渡邉聡が、Intellectual Property Magazine誌に「Patent changes create friction」と題する記事を寄稿しました。その記事にご興味がありましたら、 

Japanese universities to acquire stock option rights as IP license fees
licensing revenues of universities

Previously on this blog, we featured a story about a fight on patent royalty between a university researcher and a licensee company. And, it suggested a problem of a talent shortage for intellectual property in the university.  Licensing Revenues of Japanese Universities When talking about licensing revenues of universities, Japanese universities are often compared with American universities. Then, Japanese universities’ low income is considered a problem. In fact, American universities earned USD 2,562 million in 2016, according to University Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer (UNITT). On the other hand, Japanese universities earned JPY 4.53 billion (about USD 41.2 million). There is a big gap between them. However, it is not simply […]

Japan’s enhanced personal data protection results in providing individuals with the right to sell their data
Personal data protection

In response to the global trends, the Japanese government announced a policy to strengthen the personal data protection on April 25 2019. It will enhance the right for individuals to demand companies to stop using their personal information. Under the current law, individuals can demand it, only if such data has been fraudulently acquired or used for purposes other than the original intent. On the other hand, the government has considered the creation of the so-called data bank, as introduced before. The data bank distributes personal data with the consent of the individuals. Then, it provides them with the compensation. I hear that, in the demonstration experiment, most users have chosen to […]

Japan fails to amend copyright law against piracy yet again

On March 13 2019, the Japanese government reportedly gave up submitting an amendment of copyright law to the Diet. (Please read “Japan to amend copyright law to combat piracy” for the proposed amendment.) It was specifically for anti-piracy, but it generated strong public reaction to the expansion of punishment against downloading of pirated copies. It is very rare for the government to stop the submission at this stage. In fact, content creators, such as The Japan Cartoonists Association, also have expressed concern about the proposed amendment. For whom was the anti-piracy measures? The problem is that the consensus-building process was not appropriate in this case. The government just paid attention […]

特許法 ・意匠法 2019年改正の概要

On March 1 2019, the Japanese government announced that it submitted a bill to the Diet to amend the laws of patent, utility model, design and trademark. The major part of the amendment lies in the patent law and the design law. And we reported most of them in the previous articles. But we would like to pull them together here to show the outline of the amendment of Japanese patent law and design law for your reference. Patent Law Introduction of inspection procedure. Courts will be able to issue the inspection order, in response to the patent holder’s motion, by which neutral experts inspect the facility of the alleged infringer to […]

Japan to amend copyright law to combat piracy

Piracy is a serious problem. Piracy causes heavy damage to copyright holders and content business. The amount of damage for manga and animation in Japan is about JPY 200 billion (USD 1.8 billion), according to a government survey in 2014. In order to solve this problem, the Japanese government tried to legislate piracy website blocking. However, the government had to give up the legislation for that (See here about this). Because it encountered strong opposition, considering infringement on the constitutionally guaranteed secrecy of communication. Therefore, the government is going to implement an alternative measures to combat piracy. The report published on February 4 2019 and approved by the advisory committee on […]

Slowly changing Japan’s IP dispute resolution system

We Japanese often say “お変わりありませんか?(okawari-arimasenka?)” that means, in English, “Nothing has happened (or everything remains unchanged)?” to someone whom we meet after a long interval. No change is a good thing in Japanese culture. I’m just wondering if we can change such a greeting to something by which we can expect or accelerate change. JPO commissioner Naoko Munakata mentioned the necessity of improvement of Japanese IP litigation system and demonstrated the high level of interest, in an opening speech for Global IP Strategy Forum 2019 which was held on January 28 2019 in Tokyo. However, I have seen a difference of opinion between SMEs and large enterprises,  a conservative court, […]