IPwe platform

本日、IPwe特許取引プラットフォームの日本語ユーザーインターフェースがリリースされました。IPweプラットフォームは、AI(人工知能)とブロックチェーンを使った世界初の特許取引プラットフォームです(詳しくは、こちらをご覧ください)。 この度の日本語ユーザーインターフェースの提供により、IPwe特許取引プラットフォームが、日本のお客様にとって、より使いやすいものとなり、お客様が特許資産をより有効に活用し収益を向上させるのにお役に立てば幸いです。   当社は、IPwe特許取引プラットフォームの日本のお客様をサポートをしておりますので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。

IPwe in Patent Information Fair

IPweは、2019年11月6日~8日に東京で開催された「特許情報フェア&コンファレンス」に東芝デジタルソリューションズ(以下、東芝)と共同出展しました。 当社ワタナベリサーチ&コンサルティングは、IPweの日本でのマーケティング活動を支援しており、今回のフェアでは、人工知能(AI)とブロックチェーンを活用した世界初のグローバル特許取引プラットフォームであるIPweプラットフォームをご紹介させていただきました。

IPwe Platform


Partners with IPwe to introduce the patent transaction platform to Japan
IPwe Platform

We are delighted to announce the partnership with IPwe to introduce their unique patent transaction platform to Japan. IPwe created the first platform for the world’s patent ecosystem, connecting buyers and sellers of patents and patent-related services, creating a tradable asset. IPwe leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI), data mining, predictive analytics and blockchain to unlock global patent value.  Please contact us for more information. 

Corporate Japan to launch a consortium to create new businesses
consortium to create new businesses

It is reported that a consortium called “InnovationTech Consortium” launches in Japan on April 15 2019. In this consortium, the member companies share and exchange information on technologies and know-hows that lead to new businesses. Reportedly, more than 40 Japanese companies will participate in the consortium at first, which include Toyota, All Nippon Airways, Asahi Group, ITOCHU, Takeda Pharmaceutical, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking, and Dentsu, which are all Japanese leading companies. They expect 100 companies to join the consortium by 2020. Also, they will not prevent their competitors from joining the consortium. In the consortium, a company shares a business model and/or technologies under consideration, and other companies having an interest in […]

Monetization-oriented international patent filing strategy
Monetization-oriented international patent filing strategy

How do you decide in which country you file a patent application? As you know, in order to obtain patent protection in multiple countries, you are required to file a patent application and obtain a patent in each country. Generally, you may choose filing countries on the basis of the existence of your business within the limits of your budgets. In addition, you may also consider potential market size, the situation of IP system of countries etc. For example, China, the U.S. and Germany are the most litigious countries and patentee friendly. The figure below, which is excerpted from the materials prepared by Michael C. Elmer for the Global IP Project, […]

Partners with BijuSoft to start “On-Demand AI Team”

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with BijuSoft to start technology service “On-Demand AI Team”.  BijuSoft has top experts in various field of artificial intelligence (AI), – e.g. Machine Learning, Natural Language Understanding, Computer Vision, Internet of Things (IoT) and Mobile Computing, and Data Analytics.  Now we can assist our customers to integrate the most advanced AI technology in their products. We can also help the customers improve their business by solving their hardest data analytics, IoT, and mobile computing problems to harness the treasure trove of information hidden in their business data.  Please check here for more information. For Japanese, please see here.