
ロシアとウクライナの戦争に関する悲惨なニュースを毎日目にして、心が痛みます。一日も早く戦争が終わり、ウクライナに平和が訪れることを願っています。ビジネスの世界でも、紛争はしばしば発生します。貴社が望んでいなくても紛争に巻き込まれることがあります。貴社のビジネスが成功し、大きな収益が得られるようになってきたときに、それは突然起きたりします。貴社の製品やサービスに脅威を感じている企業もあるのです。その企業は、特許を使って、貴社の製品やサービスを市場から排除しようとするかもしれません。特許はビジネスにおいて強力な武器となります。 […]

Patent Analysis

英国カーリース会社のヴァナラマが、アップルの自動車関連特許をベースに、アップルカーのコンセプトデザインを制作しました。アップルが実際にこのような自動車を作るかどうかはわかりませんが、とても興味深いですね。アップルカー – ヴァナラマ これをただ面白いと言って終わらせるのではなく、貴社の競合他社や市場を分析するために、このような活動を真剣に検討されてみてはいかがでしょうか?各国の情報機関は、諜報活動の9割以上を、オープンソース・インテリジェンス(OSINT)に当てていると言われています。OSINTとは、新聞・雑誌・インターネットなどのメディアを継続的にチェックして情報を得る手法です。企業活動、特に研究開発に関する活動の調査のためには[…]

Partners with IPwe to introduce the patent transaction platform to Japan
IPwe Platform

We are delighted to announce the partnership with IPwe to introduce their unique patent transaction platform to Japan. IPwe created the first platform for the world’s patent ecosystem, connecting buyers and sellers of patents and patent-related services, creating a tradable asset. IPwe leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI), data mining, predictive analytics and blockchain to unlock global patent value.  Please contact us for more information. 

Monetization-oriented international patent filing strategy
Monetization-oriented international patent filing strategy

How do you decide in which country you file a patent application? As you know, in order to obtain patent protection in multiple countries, you are required to file a patent application and obtain a patent in each country. Generally, you may choose filing countries on the basis of the existence of your business within the limits of your budgets. In addition, you may also consider potential market size, the situation of IP system of countries etc. For example, China, the U.S. and Germany are the most litigious countries and patentee friendly. The figure below, which is excerpted from the materials prepared by Michael C. Elmer for the Global IP Project, […]

Satoshi Watanabe contributed an article titled “Patent Search & Analysis for Patent Monetization” to Patent News

Satoshi Watanabe contributed an article to a journal for Japanese IP professionals “Patent News” published by Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. It gives a quick summary on how to use patent information especially for patent monetization. This is a two-part article, the first part was published on January 10 2019 and the second part will be published in February 7.  If you have a chance, please take a look at it (please note that only Japanese edition is available).

Patent research & analysis to identify salable or licensable patents

Here are some useful patent research & analysis methods to identify salable or licensable patents, responding to previous article. 1. Technology trend research  This research is for reviewing whether or not a subject patent is likely to be used, from the viewpoint of technology trends. For a technology that is not used in the market, a patent for that technology has less opportunity to be sold or licensed. 2. Market research This is for researching current and future market size and trends of products or services related to a subject patent. Some investment is required to enter a new business or developing a new technologies. If the expected return does […]

Women’s participation creates high-value patents

Faced with the problem of a declining birthrate, an aging population and a declining labor force, Japan has been expecting women’s more active participation in society. Recently, certain data suggested that women’s participation is also important for promoting innovation. On July 16 2018, it was reported that Development Bank of Japan concluded that companies’ research and development would create higher economic value patents, if it involves both male and female inventors. The economic value in this analysis is calculated based on the value of patent assets calculated from the company’s market capitalization etc. and the number of papers that cite the patent. The result of analysis reportedly shows that the […]

Danshari your patent portfolio to keep it in optimal condition

On June 19 2018, a Japanese e-commerce company Mercari, Inc. goes public on the Mathers market. It operates the “Mercari” marketplace app and is the first in Japan to reach “unicorn” status. Therefore, stock market players expect that it brings about positive impact on the market. In the Mercari marketplace, users can sell unnecessary possessions and turn them into money. Recently, more people willingly throw away unnecessary possessions with the current danshari boom. In the meantime, even if it is unnecessary for you, there is someone who wants it. So, many people use this app to sell their unnecessary possessions (monetization), rather than just throwing them away. Similar action has […]