Confidentiality management


Trade secret

秘密情報を守りたいときは、その秘密情報を開示する相手と秘密保持契約書を締結すると思います。ただ、契約書を締結して満足するのではなく、秘密漏洩のリスクを減らすための運用にも気を配っていただきたいと思います。相手が万一その秘密情報を漏洩してしまった場合、契約違反の責任を追及することはできます。しかし、その情報は他にも知られることになり、秘密の状態には戻すことはできません。ですから、それが本当に重要な情報なのであれば […]


新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)のパンデミックの状況において、治療薬やワクチンの開発が切望されています。しかし、このような治療法の開発には、特許が障害になるのではないかと危惧する声もあります。 そのため、コロナウイルス対策のための特許などの知的財産権を行使しないことを誓約あるいは宣言する動きがあります。例えば、米国のOpen COVID Pledge や日本のCOVID対策支援宣言 です。

IP theft

Japanese large companies have been stealing SMEs’ intellectual property. This issue was brought up in a working group discussing the improvement of business conditions for SMEs or subcontracting companies, as reported in our previous article. Then, Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) conducted surveys on the handling intellectual property in the transactions in manufacturing industry, and published the report on June 14 2019. JFTC had responses from 15,875 manufacturers, and received reports of 726 incidents. The reported incidents include: Forcing the disclosure of know-how, to manufacture in-house or make other cheaper companies manufacture the product using such know-how. Doing joint research only by name, in which only a subcontracting company works […]

Baidu document-sharing site discloses corporate confidential documents

It is reported that Japanese companies’ internal documents marked “CONFIDENTIAL” are posted on Baidu document-sharing site. 186 companies’ confidential documents which includes a product diagram have been reportedly posted on this site between June 2017 and February 2018. Japanese companies today carefully review and select their technologies to be filed patent applications, considering cost and risk of unnecessary technology disclosure, and therefore reduce patent application filing. At the same time, they are attracted to trade secret protection and its related services such as  timestamp service which is used to prove existence of a particular electrical data at a specific date. Once trade secret or know-how is leaked to the outside, […]