日本の小売企業である良品計画は、「無印良品」のブランドで様々な家庭用品や消費財を販売していますが、中国での商標権侵害訴訟で敗訴しました。 報道によれば、2019年12月11日、北京市高級人民法院は、良品計画に対して、中国企業への60万元(約1,000万円)の損害賠償を命じました。 日本で「無印良品」ブランドが誕生したのは1980年で、良品計画は1990年に無印良品の事業を開始しました (良品計画のウェブサイト)。 しかし、良品計画が中国市場に進出する前の2005年に、中国企業がシーツやベッドカバーなどの商品(商標法上の商品区分:第24類)に「無印良品」(中国語で)の商標を中国で登録していました。

Finally, Japan’s courts are going to use information technologies for proceedings. Despite widespread use of IT in daily life, we have been required to conduct paper-based procedures and go to court for a brief preparatory proceeding. It would be welcome to improve this situation, but it’s too slow. The reported rough schedule is as follows. Arrangement of Issues using web conferencing in some courts: Around February 2020 Submission of briefs using cloud services in some courts : Fiscal 2021 Online oral argument: Fiscal 2022 (after revision of Civil Procedure Law) Online filing of lawsuit: Not yet scheduled It has been pointed out that Japan is behind Singapore, China, South Korea […]

On June 7 2019, Japan Intellectual Property High Court ruled standard for calculating damages, especially deductible expenses, in a patent infringement case on carbonated pack cosmetics. Below is the summary of the decision. 1. Presumed damages Japanese patent law provides provisions to make it easier for patent holders to prove the amount of damages. One is to regard “the amount of profit earned by the infringer” as the amount of damages of the patent holder (Article 102, paragraph 2). Profit earned by the infringer Here, the court ruled that “the amount of profit earned by the infringer” is the marginal profit which is calculated by deducting “the expense which is […]

Ultraman, it’s one of Japan’s superheros like America’s Superman. A copyright holder of Ultraman, Tsuburaya Productions has been in dispute with Chinese production companies which produced and released a film featuring Ultraman in 2017. These Chinese companies now released another film featuring Ultraman. In response to this, Tsuburaya Productions made a statement on January 17 2019 that “we will take all necessary legal steps to protect our legal rights.” (The featured photo is a scene in the film trailer). This case is actually not so simple like typical Chinese copycat cases. The disputes began with a Thai businessman (Chaiyo Productions), who had friendship with a former president of Tsuburaya Productions, claiming […]